
Our Pre-school at Prestige College is a space for little ones to learn skills through play and interaction.  The environment is secure and inviting.

In the Pre-School, the focus is on stimulation of the physical, perceptual, creative and personal development in a secure environment through play. Learners start to acquire new language skills and move on to the school readiness level by obtaining reading, writing and mathematical skills during Grade R.

We have a combined Grade 000 class and Grade 00 class and one Grade R class. They are well equipped and have qualified teachers and assistants as well, with a total of 60 pre-school learners in 2018. We are proud of our teaching staff, beautiful classrooms, facilities and playground areas. You are welcome to view photos of the Pre-School in or Gallery.

Our daily programme includes

  • Arrival – Free play
  • Breakfast
  • Opening and scripture, Morning ring
  • Lesson
  • Free play
  • Toilet routine
  • Snack time
  • Creative tasks
  • Classroom task
  • Free play
  • Toilet routine
  • Lunchtime
  • Story time
  • Resting and going home time

We Believe:

  • Every child is unique– we know that every child is unique and that every child develops and learns in different ways and at different rates, therefore strive to build strong relationships with our learners and to help each child to reach there full potential.
  • In a Holistic approach – we know that all areas of development and learning are interwoven and equally important, therefore focus al areas of learning that each child can learn and develop holistically.
  • Play-based learning–we believe that the best way for our preschoolers to learn and develop holistically is in supporting and extending a child’s development and learning through play in our secure environment.

Our Curriculum:

Our Pre-school curriculum is age- appropriate and aligned with CAPS requirements.

Grade R falls under the Foundation phase, in which learning content focuses on three subjects, namely Language, Mathematics and Life skills. These content are not formally taught but we expose our Grade R learners to these fields, through integrated play-based activities.

Our main tasks in these 3 subjects are to:

  1. Expose learners to language incidentally through planned interactive activities and through play-based learning.
  2. Expose learners to the following mathematics content through play-based activities:
  • Numbers, operations and relationships;
  • Patterns, functions and algebra;
  • Space and shape (geometry);
  • Measurement; and
  • Data handling.
  1. Develop learner’s life skills in the following areas:
  • Beginning knowledge and personal and social well-being;
  • Creative arts; and
  • Physical education

The Grade R programme for all FOUR terms are organised into 20 themes. Each theme is covered over a period of 1 to 2 weeks, where the kids are exposed through integrated play-based activities to al 3 subjects and there sub divisions.