House Structures

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We have adopted the “House structure” at Prestige College to motivate learners to commit themselves to participate and at the same time promote a positive competition spirit. There are 4 houses. Learners and teachers are divided equally into different houses. The houses compete against each other throughout the year on different levels of competition as well as in diverse activities like house sports, swimming gala but also academic activities like Bible Quiz and Spelling Bee. Each house is also responsible to host one of the big events at Prestige College.

Manamela House

Mr. Manamela was the first hostel father of Prestige College and retired at the age of 92. He was a person that we all looked up too but he was also a staunch disciplinarian. Mr Manamela can be considered a legend in the beginning years of the school.

Colour of the house: Green

Bart Oberholzer House

Professor Bart Obeholzer was the Chairperson of the trust that had the vision to established the school Prestige College. He was also the Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria and appointed the first Principal, Mrs Pienaar. He was part of the Board of Directors until his passing away in 201

Colour of the house: White

Klipdrift House

Prestige College is situated on the farm Klipdrift. Klipdrift is our heritage. It is not related in  any way to the alcohol brand named Klipdrift!

Colour of the house: Red

Pienaar House

Mrs. Pienaar was the first and current principal of Prestige College. Prestige College was like a dream come true for both the Pienaars who served the school now for 26 years. It was due to their vision and commitment that the school has grown into the type of school it is today.

Colour of the house: Yellow